PowerPoint Finance Concepts

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PowerPoint Finance Concepts

Find a wide range of finance and risk metaphors  that you can use in your business presentations.

These templates include metaphors related to different types of risk, risk classification, potential threats, fighting for budget, insurance etc . Many of the slides use graphics as the metaphors are not expected to be modified. The text is fully editable and you can add/remove elements to suit your requirement.

Click on images below for larger view

Sources of revenues

PowerPoint Finance Concepts 01

Huge cash bonus

PowerPoint Finance Concepts 02

Fighting for budget

PowerPoint Finance Concepts 03

Going from red to black

PowerPoint Finance Concepts 04

Small investment big returns

PowerPoint Finance Concepts 05

Opportunities and Threats

PowerPoint Finance Concepts 06

Three impending dangers

PowerPoint Finance Concepts 07

Risks involved  in 2 different options

PowerPoint Finance Concepts 08

Assessing risk 5 parameters

PowerPoint Finance Concepts 09

Finance Risk Rating 10 parameters

PowerPoint Finance Concepts 10

Risk Matrix

PowerPoint Finance Concepts 11

Exposed to risk

PowerPoint Finance Concepts 12

Protected against risk

PowerPoint Finance Concepts 13

Holding off a potential danger

PowerPoint Finance Concepts 14

4 potential threats

PowerPoint Finance Concepts 15

5 potential threats

PowerPoint Finance Concepts 16

Bubbles about to be burst

PowerPoint Finance Concepts 17

Two protecting factors

PowerPoint Finance Concepts 18

Protected factors or insurance

PowerPoint Finance Concepts 19

Risk Continuum Graphic

PowerPoint Finance Concepts 20

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